About us

ORIZZONTI Holding SpA (OH for short), which belongs to the family-owned holding company DCH Srl, controls the companies in charge of the various business areas, offering administration, planning and control, treasury, human resource management, technical and IT.

In the last decade, the Group has given a strong strategic push to Innovation and Technological Development, understood as tools necessary for the optimization of operating processes and, in 2015, MyAv SpA was established, today Innovative PMI, which creates highly innovative artificial intelligence, for process development in large-scale distribution. Since 2018, the companies controlled by Beewize SpA, listed on the Euronext Milan of Borsa Italiana and active in the Digital Transformation sector, have also joined the Group.

The equity investments in MyAv and in Beewize are configured as investments by OH SpA in functional and synergistic activities for the development of the business areas.

Our mission

Create business value, drawing elements of distinctive strength from the territorial roots of the group and respecting our identity and our values

Group numbers

Nel 2022, il Gruppo ORIZZONTI ha conseguito un fatturato consolidato di 440 milioni di euro, creando valore, nel territorio, con 970 persone assunte direttamente, e con oltre 1000 persone nell’ambito del proprio indotto (servizi logistici e di trasporto, manutenzioni e pulizie, affiliati, ecc.).